📊 Web and Social Network Analytics

What you will learn

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze a company’s website and web presence.
  • Make recommendations to improve a company’s visibility on the web.
  • Use unsupervised learning techniques for modeling customer and product recommendations.

Course overview

The course covers several key topics:

  1. Web and Web Analysis Evolution:
    Understanding the development of the web and the progression of web analysis techniques.

  2. Analyzing the Web as a Graph:
    Approaching the internet as a graph to assess the importance, visibility, and role of each node within the network.

  3. Online Social Networks and Their Analysis:
    Studying social networks and applying various analyses to understand the influence and significance of nodes within these networks.

  4. Unsupervised Techniques for Analysis:
    Employing methodologies such as market basket analysis and recommender systems to handle data from e-commerce, like purchase data.

Lecture Notes

Please visit https://web-sna.gauss.world/ for details.


Are there prerequisites?

Python, Git, HTML